Heart Pain or Heartburn?
The signals our body sends us can be confusing. And if the signal is coming from your chest, the stakes are high – is it my heart or is...
The Truth About A Heart-Healthy Diet
When patients ask me what a heart-healthy diet is, I often repeat my favorite eight words of dietary advice from Michael Pollan: Eat real...
COVID-19 & Long-Term Heart Effects
I’ve recently seen a string of patients who've recovered from COVID-19. And they’re in my office because they are concerned regarding the...
Should I take aspirin for my heart?
Should I take aspirin for known and unknown cardiovascular disease?
How to Fight a Genetic Predisposition for Heart Disease
Genetics are not destiny. They are merely a predisposition. And that means if you are vigilant and proactive, you have a big say in your out
Insulin Resistance: What you need to know
Type 2 diabetes, pre-diabetes, insulin resistance. They’re all manifestations of the same metabolic dysfunction, just to a different...
How to Lower Blood Pressure to Reduce Medications
One out of every two American adults are affected by high blood pressure. High blood pressure is defined as 130/80 mmHg or greater,...
Heart Attack Rates in Young Women
Rates of heart attacks in young women are rising. And not just by a little – by a lot. A large study looking at heart attack...
Lose Weight & Lower Cholesterol by Avoiding Added Sugars
Our country may be in the midst of a pandemic, but we’re also in the middle of an ongoing obesity and heart disease epidemic. And that’s...
5 Fad Diets to Avoid
New year, new you? No doubt, a popular resolution for 2021 is losing weight (Quarantine 15, anyone?), but the challenge is finding the...